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We award scholarships to doctors and scientists to attend the 40th Congress of the Histiocyte Society in GOA- India.

Selection of candidates:

The selection process for candidates is carried out and managed through the Histiocyte Society, following the submission of abstracts (scientific papers) on the congress' website.

Yesterday, August 13, 2024, the OR Association and its president, Fernando Gotz, met with the Histiocyte Society board to select the candidates who were presented for these scholarships. A total of 17 specialists from around the world have awarded and will be able to attend thanks to these scholarships.

The members of the Histiocyte Society in attendance were: Dr. Kim Nichols, president of the Histiocyte Society (HS), Dr. Vassanta Nanduri, President-elect of the HS, Dr. Ossama Abla SickChildren´s Hospital in Canada, Dr. Karin Beutel Munchen Klinik, Germany, Dr. Astrid van Halteren, Princess Maxima Hospital, Netherlands and Dr. Eli Diamond, Memorial Sloan Cancer Center New York. Also in attendance were Deanna Fournier, CEO of the Histiocytsosis Association and Kathy Wisniewski, Secretariat of the Histiocyte Society.

The International Congress on Histiocytosis will take place between November 6 and 9 in GOA, India. More than 150 experts in Histiocytosis will meet there to discuss treatments and advances in research; many studies will also be presented., and advances in research and studies will be presented.

@orasociacion will sponsor the in-person attendance of two doctors and  will award scholarships to seven other specialists to cover the registration fee for the congress.

Histiocytosis_Association is also participating in this effort, acting as a sponsor and collaborating in the organization of the congress..

The Histiocyte Society Congress

The HISTIOCYTE SOCIETY Congress is the annual meeting where more than 200 specialists, biologists, immunologists from all over the world meet, as well as representatives of patient associations. This meeting of experts is celebrating its 40th anniversary and on this occasion it is being held in GOA, India, in order to open up to a giant country where hundreds of thousands of patients with Histiocytosis are treated.

OR Association has participated in the last two editions of this congress, in 2022 in Stockholm and in 2023 in Athens and we have seen the very high medical/scientific level of the presentations. We were also able to see the seriousness and importance that these doctors and scientists give to these meetings where they present and discuss their research work.

We will continue to provide funds to promote their international participation to update and work alongside professionals from around the world.


Purpose of these scholarships

These scholarships created by OR Association are intended to participate in the training of treating physicians and researchers. To promote their international participation to grow their knowledge and work alongside professionals from around the world. To connect everyone through the activities offered by the Histiocyte Society to its members.

The scholarships are designed for young physicians, as well as specialists and researchers in Histiocytosis. Interested in taking part in and participating in the annual congress of the Histiocyte Society.

Reasons for awarding these scholarships:

The Histiocyte Society is a professional medical association created in 1989, made up of more than 200 physicians and scientists from around the world. The members of the organization are considered to be leaders in the understanding and treatment of histiocytic disorders. The Society is committed to advancing knowledge about histiocytic disorders and improving patient outcomes through planning, developing, sponsoring, and overseeing clinical research.

Partnership OR Association with the Histiocyte Society

OR Association formalized the support it has been providing to the Histiocyte Society, through the OR Association scholarship program.

We have agreed that OR Association will continue to award these scholarships, as we have been doing since 2022.

The scholarships are to cover the cost of membership to be part of the Histiocyte Society. And in turn scholarships to participate and attend the annual congress organized by the HS.

The Histiocyte Society will disseminate these programs through its communication channels to encourage participation in it. We will carry out joint and separate actions that help to give visibility to these scholarships awarded and to encourage the participation of applicants.

Other lines of collaboration that we have discussed has been to promote the work carried out by the Latin American group of studies on Histiocytosis led by the OR Association. This group of studies for professionals and researchers is organized by the Histiocyte Society.

Another of the lines of collaboration that we have discussed has been to promote the work carried out by the Latin American group of studies on Histiocytosis led by the OR Association. This study group for professionals and researchers has been meeting for three years, virtually and on a bi-monthly basis. The idea of ​​the collaboration would be for the Histiocyte Society to support us in the activity and disseminate the contents of the sessions to its members. We also mentioned the possibility that the doctors who are members of the Histiocyte Society take a more active role in the calls, participate and present proposals.

histiocitosis, histiocytosis , research, donation, orasociacion, grants, clinicalresearch, scholarships, congress

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