Presentación de estudios científicos sobre pacientes adolescentes y adultos con Histiocitosis (English below)
Asistimos a una charla científica presentada por especialistas en #histiocitosis 

Presentación del Dr. Eli Diamond: Tratamientos intra-arteriales con Melphalan.
Presentó un estudio el reconocido Neuro Oncologo Dr. Eli Diamond del Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer Centre de New York quien comentó sobre unos nuevos tratamientos que se están aplicando de manera intra- arterial utilizando Melphalan. Estos tratamientos se aplican como terapia en pacientes Neurológicos adolescentes y adultos , con compromiso Neuro degenerativo en Histiocitosis, así como con otros tumores cerebrales. Este tratamiento novedoso es utilizado en varios pacientes y viene en su origen de tratamientos ya aplicados en pacientes pediátricos con Retinoblastomas.

Compromiso cardíaco para pacientes con Erdheim Chester Dessease (ECD).

Estudio retrospectivo sobre tumores peritonales o mesentericos que acabaron descubriéndose como Histiocitosis

Presentation of scientific studies on adolescent and adult patients with Histiocytosis
We attended a scientific talk presented by specialists in #histiocytosis 🧪🧫
With the fixed idea of transmitting this knowledge to more families and to patients who contact us, we have attended a scientific conference focused on new treatments and studies based on adult patients affected by Histiocytosis. Studies have been presented by Drs. Dr. Eli Diamond, Dr. Levi Dan Azoulay and Irena Ungureanu. In the panel of experts were true experts in everything that refers to Histiocytosis, such as Dr. Julien Haroche, Dr. Jean Francois Emilie or Dr. Gustav Goyal, and also our admired Dr. Jorge Braier, an institution in all related to Histiocytosis in Argentina.
This talk was organized by the Histiocyte Society, the collegiate association that brings together more than 200 doctors and scientists who are dedicated to the research and treatment of Histiocytosis around the world.
Presentation by Dr. Eli Diamond: Intra-arterial treatments with Melphalan.
A study was presented by the renowned Neuro Oncologist Dr. Eli Diamond from Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer Center in New York who commented on some new treatments that are being applied intra-arterially using Melphalan. These treatments are applied as therapy in adolescent and adult neurological patients, with neurodegenerative involvement in Histiocytosis, as well as with other brain tumors. This novel treatment is used in several patients and comes originally from treatments already applied in pediatric patients with Retinoblastomas.
Cardiac involvement for patients with Erdheim Chester Dessease (ECD).
The study by Dr. Levi Dan Azoulay that focused on demonstrating whether the different BRAFV600E - RAS - MEK - ERK mutations compromise the cardiac level in patients with Erdheim Chester and its relationship with the different mutations is very interesting. Here we leave you Link to the study.
Retrospective study on peritonal or mesenteric tumors that ended up being discovered as Histiocytosis
Dr. Irena Ungureanu, a pathologist at the Ambroise-Pare Hospital in France, presented a retrospective study on different tumors that ended up being discovered as Histiocytosis.
We want to clarify from OR Association that all these notes are collected during the talk and that there may be errors in the interpretation, so whenever there is a doubt you can contact us or directly with the doctors who have presented these studies.
We always recommend that it be a communication between professionals, if patients or families have doubts about the information, you can ask your doctor to request more information from these experts.
At OR Association we are extremely happy that so many studies are being carried out in the Histiocytosis field and we take the opportunity to thank the Histiocyte Society for inviting us to participate in this type of talks.
We will continue to finance research projects as we are doing since 2014 and we will continue to seek for new and atractive projects to collaborate in the future.
histiocitosis, histiocytosis , research, investigación, hospital, laboratorio, histioguerreros, orasociacion
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